November 8, 2023
Lewis Schrager
Lewis Schrager is the leader of IAVI’s efforts to develop vaccines to prevent tuberculosis.
Schrager has extensive experience in clinical infectious disease, HIV epidemiology and pathogenesis research, vaccine regulation, and vaccine development. For 10 years, Schrager served in the Division of AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as the project officer to the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, which discovered the relationship of CD4+ T-cell count to risk of defining AIDS-defining illnesses, and the relationship of viral load to HIV disease progression, on his watch. For seven years, Schrager served as the chief of one of the two clinical review branches in the Office of Vaccine Research and Review, CBER, FDA. In 2013, Schrager joined Aeras as the VP of Scientific Affairs, playing a central role in advancing global efforts to develop tuberculosis vaccines.
Schrager holds an M.D. from the Vanderbilt School of Medicine. He completed clinical training in internal medicine at the University Hospital-Bellevue Medical Center and a fellowship in infectious diseases at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center.