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IAVI Report

Vaccines: adapting to the times

November 22, 2019

Over hundreds of years, researchers have matched contemporary scientific tools to address the infectious disease threats of their times.

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IAVI Report

Remembering Adel Mahmoud, a giant in the vaccine world

November 22, 2019

The vaccine world lost another of its great leaders recently with the passing of Adel Mahmoud, a physician, scientist, and professor who played a critical role in the development of many innovative and lifesaving vaccines during his long and successful career. He is remembered by his friends and colleagues as a tireless champion of public…

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IAVI Report

Proven against Ebola, a vector shows its broader potential

November 22, 2019

Regulatory approval of a vesicular stomatitis virus-based vaccine paves the way for use of this viral vector in other vaccines.

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IAVI Report

A fast track for vaccine development

November 22, 2019

Coalition awards US$174 million in grants for research targeting Nipah virus, Lassa fever, and MERS.

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IAVI Report

HIV vaccine efforts herald a new era of vaccinology

November 22, 2019

We are at a defining moment in the history of HIV vaccine research. It is not an exaggeration to also propose that, thanks to the fruits of decades of HIV vaccine research and development efforts, we are entering a new era of vaccinology more broadly. A new generation of HIV vaccine candidates is poised to…

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IAVI Report

Applying Innovative Approaches and Technologies to HIV Prevention

November 22, 2019

Several areas of progress in using antibodies for HIV prevention were showcased at the recent Keystone Symposia.

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IAVI Report

A Mean Flu Season Swings a Spotlight on Vaccines

November 22, 2019

Influenza, like HIV, is a highly variable menace. A particularly bad flu season has researchers seeking ways to make a better vaccine, and in doing so, there may be lessons from, and for, HIV vaccine research.

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IAVI Report

Drawing Lessons from AIDS to Prevent Future Epidemics

November 22, 2019

Jonathan Quick describes how the right mix of science, funding, leadership, and communication can come together to secure the world against future epidemics.

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IAVI Report

Remembering David Cooper: A Great Leader in HIV Epidemiology, Treatment, and Prevention

November 22, 2019

The battle against HIV/AIDS lost another great soldier recently with the passing of Australian immunologist and clinician David Cooper on March 18. Cooper was a pioneering scientist and champion for HIV treatment and prevention, and he left an indelible mark on the field he dedicated his career to. “He had a great skill in knowing…

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IAVI Report

“She was the best of us”

November 22, 2019

Remembering Bonnie Mathieson: A champion of young scientists

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