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IAVI Report

The future of mRNA-based HIV vaccines is about more than speed

April 27, 2022

Right now in vaccine research, mRNA has the momentum. For HIV, there are currently several formulations of experimental vaccines in early-stage human clinical trials. Apart from some overlap in strategy, they have one main thing in common — they rely on mRNA. This trend reflects the intense overall interest in mRNA-based vaccine development, given its…

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IAVI Report

From the editor — a new IAVI Report

April 27, 2022

After 25 years of IAVI Report, we’re making a few changes. In 2020, life changed for many across the globe. As SARS-CoV-2 began its deadly march through humankind, countries entered lockdown, offices and schools closed, and many of us who weren’t on the so-called front lines of the pandemic were largely sheltered within our homes.…

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IAVI Report

Jon Cohen on writing about COVID-19 and why we must prepare now for the next public health crisis

April 27, 2022

A conversation with Jon Cohen about what made writing about this pandemic different and what stories are still to be told.

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IAVI Report

Vaccinology reaches a new peak

December 20, 2021

Stanley Plotkin discusses the greatest progress in vaccine development in more than half a century and the lingering barriers to an effective HIV vaccine.

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IAVI Report

The global stakes for vaccine access

December 20, 2021

COVID-19 has made stark inequities in global access to vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics more visible and alarming than ever.

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IAVI Report

40 years of AIDS vaccine research

December 20, 2021

A timeline of major milestones in the decades-long effort to develop an HIV vaccine.

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IAVI Report

What next? HIV science (again) at a turning point

December 20, 2021

After four decades of HIV research, the field seeks to make progress against one of the most difficult pathogens vaccine researchers have ever faced.

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IAVI Report

IAVI REPORT – VOL. 25, NO. 2, 2021

December 20, 2021

This year IAVI is celebrating its 25th anniversary. And so are we. The first issue of IAVI Report was published in the summer of 1996. It described IAVI’s formation and mission, offered the scientific reasons for why an AIDS vaccine was feasible, chronicled advances in AIDS vaccine research, included the voice of one of Uganda’s…

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IAVI Report

The past, present, and future of IAVI

December 20, 2021

In conversation with IAVI founder Seth Berkley and CEO Mark Feinberg

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IAVI Report

Leading Africa’s COVID-19 response

June 29, 2021

John Nkengasong warns against complacency setting in as vaccines trickle into many African countries.

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