March 5, 2021

International Women’s Day 2021

Spotlighting the work of IAVI’s female scientists and global advocates who work to ensure HIV prevention and care reaches adolescent girls and young women.

IWD 2021 feature

This International Women’s Day (March 8), we’re pleased to bring you stories from IAVI’s female scientists and global advocates who work tirelessly to ensure that HIV prevention and care reaches adolescent girls and young women in the places where they need it most.

We encourage you to tag IAVI’s social media channels and reshare our content to elevate the stories of phenomenal women in global health!

Check out our #IWD2021 Campaign Toolkit, and watch our #IWD2021 video to hear directly from women committed to translating science into global health impact as they discuss the challenges they face during the COVID-19 pandemic and their hopes for inspiring the next generation of female scientists and global health leaders.

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