October 2, 2024

Join IAVI at the 7th Global Forum on TB Vaccines

IAVI leaders to represent the full breadth of TB vaccine research, development, implementation, advocacy, and policy at the 7th Global Forum in Rio.

IAVI at the 7GFTBV

IAVI is proud to be convening the 7th Global Forum on TB Vaccines Oct. 8-10 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in collaboration with the Stop TB Partnership Working Group on New TB Vaccines (WGNV) and the TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI), and hosted by the Ministry of Health of Brazil and the Brazilian TB Research Network (REDE-TB). With an overarching theme of “driving innovation from discovery to access,” IAVI leaders will contribute their expertise, experience, and innovation across the dynamic three-day program – including in the Opening Ceremony, three plenary sessions, two oral abstract sessions, six posters, a discussion session, and the community engagement area. Portuguese translations will be available for the full program.

Check out IAVI’s participation below and in PDF format here – all times listed are local.

The Opening Session.
Tuesday, Oct. 8 – 10:00-12:30

  • Mark Feinberg, IAVI President and CEO, will provide opening remarks during the opening session, alongside Ricardo Arcêncio, President of REDE-TB, and Sania Nishtar, Gavi CEO, followed by an expert panel on how to make TB vaccines a reality. The opening session will be moderated by Ethel Maciel from the Ministry of Health of Brazil, and David Lewinsohn from the WGNV.

Three plenary sessions.  

Plenary 1: From discovery to access (Monday, Oct. 8 – 13:30-15:00)

  • Elana Van Brakel, Medical Director, will present Clinical development of new TB vaccines: State of the Field.

Plenary 4: Country scale-up and implementation of new TB vaccines (Tuesday, Oct. 9 – 14:00-15:30)

  • Shelly Malhotra, Vice President, Global Affairs and Global Access, will join this dynamic panel discussion exploring ongoing and planned efforts to ensure new TB vaccines are accessible to all who need them.

Plenary 6: Enabling TB vaccine development through funding, political will, open science, and engaged communities (Thursday, Oct. 10 – 15:15-16:15)

  • Shaun Palmer, Communications and Advocacy Specialist and Co-Lead of the TB Vaccine Advocacy Roadmap (TB Vax ARM), will join this panel to discuss opportunities to mobilize joint and sustained funding for TB vaccine R&D to meet global commitments.

Three oral abstract sessions.

OA1: Mechanisms of biomarkers and protection, novel approaches, human challenge, optimizing animal models (Wednesday, Oct. 9 – 11:30-13:00)

  • Lewis Schrager, TB Impact Area Senior Leader, will co-chair the first oral abstract session featuring a selection of the latest in TB vaccine immunology.

OA2: Advancing clinical development (Wednesday, Oct. 9 – 11:30-13:00)

  • Puck Pelzer, Associate Director, Epidemiology, will present Effectiveness of primary Bacillus Calmette-Guérin against the risk Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and tuberculosis disease: an individual-participant meta-analysis of trials and observational studies.

OA4: Impact, implementation, policy (Thursday, Oct. 10 – 11:30-13:00)

  • Jessy Joseph, Senior Manager, Global Access Research, will present Advancing evidence-informed in-country decision-making for new TB vaccine introduction: A responsive and integrated vaccine modelling approach from India.

Six posters.

  • Accelerating TB vaccine development by “planning for success”: The MTBVAC Phase 2b clinical trial to prevent TB in African adolescents and adults – Lewis Schrager
  • Integrated clinical research center selection for Phase 2b MTBVAC TB prevention efficacy trial in African adolescents and adults – Puck Pelzer
  • Forecasting TB vaccine demand to support supply and procurement planning – Jessy Joseph
  • The TB Vaccine Advocacy Roadmap (TB Vax ARM): A global case study of advocacy best practice – Shaun Palmer
  • Financing and policy innovation to advance TB vaccines through licensure: A G20 policy proposal – Shaun Palmer
  • Evolution of Tuberculosis Vaccine Modelling studies: Insights from studies in India – Ruchita Jalal, Senior Specialist, Clinical Operations & Epidemiology

From political commitments to action to deliver new TB vaccines this decade: A TB Vax ARM discussion session.
Thursday, Oct. 10 – 14:00-15:00

  • Shaun Palmer will co-chair this discussion session in which participants will take stock of progress in meeting political commitments and reflect on the advocacy wins to explore key advocacy needs and opportunities.

The Community Declaration.

  • IAVI is proud to lead the Forum’s first-ever Community Engagement Committee. On behalf of the committee, supporters are invited to sign the official Community Declaration of the 7th Global Forum. Developed in consultation with the global TB community, the declaration outlines the demands of TB-affected communities for the development and implementation of new TB vaccines. Join over 815 supporters so far by signing as an individual, an organization, or as both. The deadline to sign is 2 p.m. BRT, Thursday, Oct. 10.

We look forward to seeing you at these sessions and sharing recordings with you after the Forum. Please also take a look at the full program for more information about this event.