IAVI Europe

This multidisciplinary team brings together colleagues working in advocacy, communications, donor relations, access, epidemiology, project management, and human resources. Together, the team manages programs and partnerships across five different countries plus the European Union (EU) and Europe-based international organizations. IAVI maintains offices in Amsterdam and London.  

At a glance


years in Europe

2 hubs

Offices in Amsterdam and London 


current European funders

Owethu Mahali Of Dthf Masiphumelele On 26th August 2022
Learn more about IAVI’s funders

We work with a vibrant network of partners

We engage closely with diverse European stakeholders, including policymakers, scientists, activists, civil society organizations (CSOs), and product development partnerships (PDPs) to ensure that the necessary resources and policies are in place to support global health R&D worldwide.  

Our collaborations with our advocacy partners are key to achieving our goals, including CSOs such as AIDS-Fondet (Denmark), AIDS Fonds (Netherlands), Global Health Advocates (France), RESULTS UK, and Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (EU and Germany). We’re also a founding member of the EU PDP Coalition, where together with fellow PDPs we advocate for global health R&D at the EU level and in key countries. 

IAVI’s Europe hub also manages several important partnerships at the EU level, including the LEAP4WA project to advance a vaccine to prevent Lassa fever in West Africa, and the UPTAKE project, which seeks to determine factors that facilitate future uptake of long-acting HIV prevention technologies to prevent HIV among women and girls in Kenya and Uganda. Past EU partnerships include the Globally Relevant AIDS Vaccine Europe-Africa Trials Partnership (GREAT) and the European HIV Vaccine Alliance (EHVA). 

Collaborate with us

Contact us to learn how to collaborate with us on initiatives at the European level, including in advocacy, resource mobilization, and clinical development. 

Hester Kuipers 

Check out the latest activities and resources